Open source hardware is hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify, distribute, make, and sell the design or hardware based on that design. The hardware's source, the design from which it is made, is available in the preferred format for making modifications to it.
W5100S-EVB-Pico2 is a microcontroller evaluation board based on the Raspberry Pi RP2350 and fully hardwired TCP/IP controller W5100S – and basically works the same as Raspberry Pi Pico board but with additional Ethernet via W5100S.
W6100-EVB-Pico2 is a microcontroller evaluation board based on the Raspberry Pi RP2350 and fully hardwired TCP/IP controller W6100 – and basically works the same as Raspberry Pi Pico board but with additional Ethernet via W6100.
W5500-EVB-Pico2 is a microcontroller evaluation board based on the Raspberry Pi RP2350 and fully hardwired TCP/IP controller W5500 – and basically works the same as Raspberry Pi Pico board but with additional Ethernet via W5500.
W6100-EVB-Pico is a microcontroller evaluation board based on the Raspberry Pi RP2040 and fully hardwired TCP/IP controller W6100 – and basically works the same as Raspberry Pi Pico board but with additional Ethernet via W6100.
It combines with the W5500, W5100S, and W6100 Io Module to provide Ethernet as well as a separate power supply. It can supply up to 8W Raspberry Pi Pico Mountable Ethernet W5100S, W5500, W6100 IO Module Mountable
The W5300-TOE-Shield is a board that enables high-speed bus communication with the W5300 and ST's Coretex MCU.The W5300-TOE-Shield is a board that can be mounted on a Nucleo board. Individual actions cannot be performed without the Nucleo board, and only the Nucleo-F429 board is currently supported. It also supports various shield boards in the form of...
W5500-EVB-Pico is a microcontroller evaluation board based on the Raspberry Pi RP2040 and fully hardwired TCP/IP controller W5500 – and basically works the same as Raspberry Pi Pico board but with additional Ethernet via W5500.
WizFi360-EVB-Pico is based on Raspberry Pi RP2040 and adds Wi-Fi connectivity using WizFi360. It is pin compatible with Raspberry Pi Pico board and can be used for IoT Solution development.
The W5100S-EVB-Pico is a microcontroller evaluation board based on the Raspberry Pi RP2040 microcontroller chip and full hardwired TCP/IP controller W5100S chip. The W5100S-EVB-Pico has the same role as the Raspberry Pi Pico platform and includes W5100S, so the Ethernet function is basically included.
WIZnet Ethernet HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) is a Raspberry Pi Pico pin-compatible board that utilizes W5100S and supports both 3.3V & 5V. Please refer to this link to find more information about W5100S. Raspberry Pi Pico Pin-Compatible Ethernet (W5100S Hardwired TCP/IP CHIP)
The “W5500 Ethernet Shield S” is a security enhanced version of the “W5500 Ethernet Shield” which has been redesigned to include SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connectivity.
W5100S Ethernet shield is designed using the WIZnet W5100S chip.